Monday, December 23, 2019

Napoleon An Enlightened Despot - 1597 Words

Kevin McKenzie Mrs. Drogos AP European History November 15 2014 Napoleon: An Enlightened Despot Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was undeniably profound in helping to restore order to France following the revolution, the chaotic Jacobin reign of terror, and the weak directory. Through his leadership, France was able to achieve a much more balanced and powerful state, resemblant of the France of previous great rulers, such as Louis XIV. Napoleon used his absolute authority to align France with his his vision, which was one of glory and greatness for both himself and his country. Through many consider him to be a militaristic megalomaniac, Napoleon had a deep interest in Voltairean enlightened despotism and a desire to make France great, combining to result in equality under the law and natural rights for men, as well as an improvement of the economy as a result of tax reform and banking. Inevitably, it must be conceded that Napoleon was a militaristic dictator in some regard, but his work as an enlightened despot outshines this detractor. Undou btedly, Napoleon was ambitious and power hungry. He is quoted as saying, Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard in conquering her to allow anyone to take her from me, or even to covet her (Herold). This describes his attitude toward power well. Immediately after successfully completing a coup d’etat on November 10th, 1799, Napoleon created the Consulate, a system of government wherein he had absolute authority,Show MoreRelatedNapoleon And The Enlightenment1214 Words   |  3 PagesNapoleon And The Enlightenment The enlightenment was a time of great learning throughout Europe during the eighteenth century. Although the period is significant for scientific and other scholastic advancements, it is most important because it allowed for the opening of great minds--such as that of Napoleon Bonaparte. Shortly after this enlightenment made its way through Europe, revolution and civil war ripped through France between 1879 and 1899. The unrest of the time called for a strong rulerRead MoreNapoleon and the Enlightenment Essay examples974 Words   |  4 PagesNapoleon and the Enlightenment The enlightenment was a time of great learning throughout Europe during the eighteenth century. Although the period is significant for scientific and other scholastic advancements, it is most important because it allowed for the opening of great minds#8212;such as that of Napoleon Bonaparte. Shortly after this enlightenment made its way through Europe, revolution and civil war ripped through France between 1879 and 1899. The unrest of the time called forRead More Napoleon Was NOT a Son of the Revolution Essay example770 Words   |  4 PagesReign of Terror. France had dissolved into anarchy, with internal and international turmoil. It was out of the foreign wars that Napoleon came to power. Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power, victory by victory, eventually making himself Emperor of France, creating a strong central government while continuing the foreign wars, creating a mass French Empire. Although Napoleon was a product of the French Revolution and maintained the image as a à ¢â‚¬Å"son of the Revolution,† idealism always fell to pragmatismRead Moredomestic and foreign policies of Napoleon Bonaparte1431 Words   |  6 Pagesthe kings orders. They ended up killing the king and queen, and that is when Napoleon Bonaparte eventually came into the picture as a new leader after assassinating Maximilien Robespierre. In 1797, by the help of Pope Pius VII, Napoleon Bonaparte became first consul after overthrowing the Directory and establishing the Consulate. During his time as a leader of France, Napoleon appeared in some respects to be an enlightened ruler like his Civil Code, him ending feudalism, centralizing the governmentRead MoreThe Enigma Of Russian Identity Essay1561 Words   |  7 PagesEra, and the Conservative Era, one can see the changing narratives of the autocrats and their different definitions of a uniform Russian identity. The rule of the enlightened despot Catherine II was defined by her call for a unified Russia around rationality, education, and the romanticization of western values. As an enlightened despot, Catherine II desired to transform the empire using the theories of the European Enlightenment Era. Theories authored by philosophes like John Locke, Montesquieu andRead MoreThe French Revolution Occurred During The Time Periods1414 Words   |  6 Pagesnature and that big states are also corrupt, small states are best. During the time, as France faced heavy expenditure that the wars had brought, the rulers had raised money by taxing the nobles and clergy and the rulers were backed upon the enlightened despots. There are many causes that could have contributed to the French Revolution like the peasants were aware of their situation and were less willing to support the feudal system. The philosophes were well read throughout the region and questionedRead MoreThe French Revolution1909 Words   |  8 Pageshorrific crimes during their time in power. One dictator, however, created a legacy that any person would know and created an ideology that is used in almost all first world countries, and many other second war countries now as well. This dictator is Napoleon Bonaparte. He is a catalyst for change because he created a dominant army from the scraps of the French Revolution, which led to his dominance throughout Europe, creating a lasting principle that most people now think of it as a norm. The FrenchRead MoreAge of Enlightenment and Century5169 Words   |  21 Pagesthe influence of the Enlightenment on both elite culture and popular culture in the eighteenth century.l FRENCH REVOLUTION, NAPOLEON AND THE CONGRESS OF VIENNA 1. 81: Napoleon I is sometimes called the greatest enlightened despot. Evaluate this assessment in terms of Napoleon I s policies and accomplishments. Be sure to include a definition of enlightened despotism in your answer. 2. 84: â€Å"The essential cause of the French Revolution was the collision between aRead MoreThe Essential Questions5521 Words   |  23 Pageskings despotic government. When conflicts arose, noble leaders called themselves the checks and balances to avoid hatred. NAPOLEON Trace the long term effects of Napoleon I Simple narratives of Napleons life can fill whole books, let alone detailed discussions of his achievements, and historians remain divided over the Emperor: was he a cruel tyrant or an enlightened despot? Was he a tortured genius or a blunderer with luck on his side? These discussions are unlikely to be resolved, thanks partlyRead MoreEssay Reveiw4144 Words   |  17 PagesPress: This increased the availability of books which helped to improve the literacy of Europeans. More Europeans could read. Newer ideas were spread which increased desire for education and increased the impact of those ideas. New scientific and enlightened thinkers could spread their ideas. To understand those ideas you needed to understand how to read. 2. Humanism: Focused on the new study of the classical texts and the knowledge that could be gained from it like philosophy. There was a greater

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Thinking Outside the Idiot Box Free Essays

Dana Stevens’ essay, â€Å"Thinking outside the Idiot Box†, was first published in Slate on March 25, 2005, is a counter argument to â€Å"Watching TV Makes You Smarter† an article written my Steven Johnson that says watching complicated TV shows make you smarter when in reality you’re just watching complicated TV shows. She mainly disagrees with Johnson’s opinion that figuring out the complicated plots of the TV shows sharpens one’s cognitive skills. In her view, those entangled plots not only compel one to watch even more TV, they also weaken one’s skills to think because many shows overload one’s mind with quick-paced facts. We will write a custom essay sample on Thinking Outside the Idiot Box or any similar topic only for you Order Now Stevens 295-6) She also states that Johnson overlooks the Muslim terrorist and tortures in the show â€Å"24†. She points out that many people think watching TV is ok especially if it’s a nature show. Stevens also discusses a trip to the airport where she saw quite a few people surrounding a nature showing. The author contemplated whether or not the nature show was acceptable because travelers were still â€Å"spacing out† while watching it, so what is the difference between violent shows like â€Å"Animal Face Off† which contains bloods guts and gore and a â€Å"regular† nature show is peaceful and entertaining. Stevens 297) She is wondering why â€Å"spacing out† is ever positive: â€Å"A football game in a bar is zapworthy, but spacing out to leopards in the Qantas terminal is A-OK? † (Stevens 297). Next she says that children are fresh meat for the marketing industries by making shows that catch their eye. She is basically claimin g that there are many people who are offended by many things, and each person needs to be sensitive to what they play on their TVs. In conclusion, Stevens believes that TV is neither beneficial nor it is harmful for our minds; it is only there to entertain us. (298) How to cite Thinking Outside the Idiot Box, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The interesting topic free essay sample

The marking criteria should be available to candidates whilst completing the task. The quality of written communication will be assessed in the judgements and conclusion section. The total number of marks for this unit is 45. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES †¢ This document consists of 8 pages. Any blank pages are indicated. Teachers are responsible for ensuring that assessment is carried out against the Controlled Assessment set for the relevant examination series (detailed above). Assessment evidence produced that does not reflect the relevant examination series will not be accepted.  © OCR 2010 [Y/600/3256] DC (AC/DJ) 64632/1 OCR is an exempt Charity Turn over 2 The purpose of this unit is to carry out a practical investigation of a topic chosen from a set of options supplied by OCR. In the course of the investigation, there will be an opportunity to look in depth at an aspect of computing that goes beyond the subject matter outlined in A451. The tasks will require a significant element of practical activity, which must be evidenced in the report and which will form a major element of the assessment. We will write a custom essay sample on The interesting topic or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The topics will enable practical investigation and some supplementary research to be carried out in a variety of ways. These will include, but are not restricted to: †¢ practical investigations with hardware or software †¢ practical investigations with online resources Supplementary research may be required and resources may include: †¢ web-based enquiry †¢ contact with IT professionals †¢ research using computer industry publications  © OCR 2010 A452 Jan13/Jun15 3 Candidates should complete all tasks. Validating web forms Many web sites collect information from people using forms. These forms can be put together using HTML form objects. The data entered is normally sent back to the web server where it is processed by database software. It is always a good idea if the data entered into a computer system is validated in order to reduce the number of errors that occur. A lot of this validation can be carried out at the client end of the process. In other words, processing can be carried out by the browser. There are various ways in which this can be done. A common way is to write scripts that intercept the input data and check it before it is submitted to the server. There are various scripting languages that can be used to write the necessary validation routines. A popular example is JavaScript. Most browsers are able to interpret JavaScript. JavaScript, just like other elements of a web page, is best written using a plain text editor such as Notepad. Scripts can be embedded in a web page or saved separately as JavaScript files, using the extension js. The web page can access these scripts when needed. Here is the starting point for a form that collects information about exam entries. File Edit View History Bookmarks Tools Help http://examentry. net Exam entry Exam Entry Form Name Subject Submit Reset Fig. 1 It contains two text boxes. When the Submit button is clicked, a script checks that both boxes have been filled in. Here is the HTML code that lies behind the form and the JavaScript code that does the validation. Exam entry function validateForm() { var result = true; var msg=†Ã¢â‚¬ ; if (document. ExamEntry. name. value==†Ã¢â‚¬ ) { msg+=†You must enter your name \n†; document. ExamEntry. name. focus(); document. getElementById(‘name’). style. color=†red†; result = false; }  © OCR 2010 A452 Jan13/Jun15 Turn over 4 if (document. ExamEntry. subject. value==†Ã¢â‚¬ ) { msg+=†You must enter the subject \n†; document. ExamEntry. subject. focus(); document. getElementById(‘subject’). style. color=†red†; result = false; } if(msg==†Ã¢â‚¬ ){ return result; } { alert(msg) return result; } } Exam Entry Form Name Subject In order to work, the page needs to have access to a second HTML file called success. html. Its purpose is to test the code. It just needs four lines: Success message You entered all the data required  © OCR 2010 A452 Jan13/Jun15 5 Your assignment 1. Describe how this HTML code produces the form displayed in the browser (Fig. 1). 2. Describe how the JavaScript function performs the validation check. 3. Describe how the HTML calls the validation routine. 4. (i) Add another text field to the form to take the user’s examination number. (ii) Extend the Javascript code to validate this field to make sure that it is not left blank. (iii) Extend the Javascript code to make sure that the user’s examination number is exactly 4 digits. Produce evidence to show that you have planned, written and tested your code. 5. Add a set of radio buttons to the form to accept a level of entry such as GCSE, AS or A2. Write a function that displays the level of entry to the user in an alert box so that the level can be confirmed or rejected. Produce evidence to show that you have planned, written and tested your code. 6. Produce an evaluation of your solutions. 7. Write a conclusion about the effectiveness of JavaScript validation routines to reduce the number of errors that are made in data input.  © OCR 2010 A452 Jan13/Jun15 6 BLANK PAGE  © OCR 2010 A452 Jan13/Jun15 7 BLANK PAGE  © OCR 2010 A452 Jan13/Jun15 8 Copyright Information OCR is committed to seeking permission to reproduce all third-party content that it uses in its assessment materials. OCR has attempted to identify and contact all copyright holders whose work is used in this paper. To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced in the OCR Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations, is given to all schools that receive assessment material and is freely available to download from our public website (www. ocr. org. uk) after the live examination series. If OCR has unwittingly failed to correctly acknowledge or clear any third-party content in this assessment material, OCR will be happy to correct its mistake at the earliest possible opportunity. For queries or further information please contact the Copyright Team, First Floor, 9 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1GE. OCR is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group; Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.  © OCR 2010