Monday, September 30, 2019

First Quarter Book Analysis on Great Expectations Essay

In Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, Pip, the main protagonist in the story, is very idealistic and yearns to become a gentleman. He wants to better himself and rise above his humble origins in hopes of winning over his love Estella. Pip is also a very kind man and cares about the ones who are close to him. However, he is also a very arrogant man, and he does not see what his arrogance costs him, until he learns that true happiness in life does not come from wealth or status. Pip has an idealistic desire to become a gentleman, to elevate his status in life, and to impress the beautiful girl Estella who he has fallen in love with her due to her charming appearance. He demonstrates this trait on many occasions. Such as when he tells Biddy that he is â€Å"not happy as I am†¦ I am disgusted with my calling and with my life,† and â€Å"I want to be a gentleman.† He also displays his idealism as he strives to educate himself and become â€Å"uncommon,† by having Biddy â€Å"impart all her learning to me†¦ it appeared to me that it would take time to become uncommon†¦ nevertheless: I resolved to try it.† He further exhibits this trait by continually trying to win over Estella even though she only gives him discomfort â€Å"everything in our intercourse did give me pain†¦.I could put no trust in it, and build no hope on it; and yet I went on against trust and against hope.† In his idealistic desire to become a gentleman and to win over Estella he believes he will live a much happier life once his goal is achieved. Pip’s ambitiousness, however, is replaced with contentment as experience reveals to him that happiness is not gained through being a gentleman and that the true beauty of a person lies within their heart and not in their outward appearances. Pip is also a very kind man. He displays his kindness in trying to help his friend Herbert out of debt by helping his business ventures begin â€Å"how I could best try with my resources to help Herbert to some present income†¦ and gradually buy him on to some small partnership.† Pip also displays kindness in his actions towards Magwitch as he constantly worries for his safety â€Å"Were I might go, what I might do, or when I might return, were questions utterly unknown to me; nor did I vex my mind with them, for it was wholly set on Provis’s safety.† After the failed attempt to smuggle Magwitch out of the country, Pip continues to visit him every day when he is in prison as he tells him â€Å"I will never stir from your side when I am suffered to be near you. Please God I will be true to you, as you have been true to me.† Pip was true to his promise and was faithful to Magwitch to the day of his death. Pip is also very arrogant in his actions; this is seen in his ungrateful treatment towards Joe and Biddy when he has come of great expectations. When Joe comes to visit Pip, his feeling towards this was â€Å"not with pleasure† and â€Å"if I could have kept him away by paying money, I certainly would have paid money.† He did not think there was â€Å"anything low and small in my keeping away from Joe† and he almost wants nothing to do with him even though he â€Å"was bound to him by so many ties.† He also displays his arrogance in his treatment towards Biddy. When he asked Biddy why she received him â€Å"coming down here often to see Joe† â€Å"with a marked silence† Biddy asks him if he in fact will come down often, to which Pip took insult to, as a â€Å"very bad side of human nature!† even though he knows he won’t come back â€Å"Once more the mists were rising†¦ if they disclosed to me†¦ that I should not come back†¦ all I can say is, they were quite right.† However, Pip does not remain arrogant and a change overtakes him. After his encounter with Magwitch his benefactor, he realizes the true worth of his companions and how wrong he was in his treatment towards them â€Å"my repugnance to him had melted away†¦ I only saw a man who meant to be my benefactor and who felt affectionately, gratefully, and generously towards me with a great consistency through a series of years. I only saw in him, a much better man than I had been to Joe.† Pip has become humbled by his experience and decides he will return to the forge to marry Biddy. However, in his arrogance in trying to win over Estella and casting Biddy and Joe aside, he was too late, as Biddy had married Joe. However Pip is changed by his mistakes and is now very grateful towards Joe and Biddy and sorry for his treatment towards them, â€Å"receive my humble thanks for all you have done for me, and all I have so ill repaid!†¦ and now†¦ pray tell me, both, that you f orgive me!† Through his experiences he is now a humble man and not the ungrateful arrogant person he once was. Pip was a very kind man., but he was also arrogant and vainly idealistic in thinking the way to better himself was through wealth and status. These traits, through his experiences, are transformed and he is now humble and content, as he learns a hard lesson that true happiness does not come from wealth or status, as was his idealistic view, but from a contentment that comes only from within. Pip has become a true â€Å"gentleman.† In Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, the main character of the story, Pip, struggles personally with a man vs. self-conflict as he struggles about his status in life. This conflict within him begins after a visit to the Satis house, where he meets Miss Havisham and Estella. He is greatly offended by Estella’s insults towards him â€Å"what coarse hands he has. And what thick boots!† and he begins to feel ashamed of his personal appearance, â€Å"I took the opportunity†¦ to look at my coarse hands and common boots†¦ They had never troubled me before, but they troubled me now, as vulgar appendages.† He also begins to feel ashamed of his upbringing â€Å"I wished Joe had been more genteelly brought up, and then I should have been so too.† This continues as Estella brings him food and a mug of beer and does not even look at him, much the way one would feed a stray dog, leaving Pip feeling utterly dejected, â€Å"I was so humiliated, hurt, spurned, offended, angry, sorry – I cannot hit upon the right name for the smart – God knows what the name was.† Pip hangs his head and cries in shame. This conflict intensifies over the course of one year, as Pip grows more ashamed of his home, a place that once afforded him comfort. â€Å"It’s a most miserable thing to be ashamed of home†¦ But, Joe had sanctified it, and I believed in it†¦ now it was all coarse and common.† As his status changes, the conflict continues to escalate after he has come to â€Å"great expectations.† In his rise to â€Å"property† he believed that he would live a much happier life as a gentleman â€Å"No more low wet grounds, no more dykes and sluices, no more of these grazing cattle†¦ henceforth I was for London and greatness: not for smith’s work.† However, he did not live a happy life, and his conscience plagued him â€Å"As I had grown accustomed to my expectations†¦ Their influence on my own character†¦ I knew very well that it was not at all good.† â€Å"I lived in a chronic state of uneasiness in my behavior towards Joe. M y conscience was not by any means comfortable about Biddy.† He in fact was living quite miserably â€Å"We were always more or less miserable†¦ I detested the chambers beyond expression,† â€Å"I should have been happier†¦ if I had risen to manhood content to be partners with Joe in the old honest forge.† Pip’s conflict reaches its climax and resolution when he discovers his benefactor. The climax is reached upon discovering that Magwitch, the convict he met so long ago in the marshes, is indeed his benefactor â€Å"the dread I had of him†¦ could not have been exceeded if he had been some terrible beast.† He now wishes that he had never come of his expectations and realizes what a fool he was â€Å"O, that he had never come! That he had left me at the forge – far from contented, yet, by comparison happy!† â€Å"I began to fully know how wrecked I was, and how the ship in which I sailed was gone to pieces†¦ But, sharpest and deepest pain of all – it was for the convict†¦ that I had deserted Joe.† His conflict reaches its resolution after Magwitch is arrested and his expectations have departed. However, he is able to see the good in Magwitch and began to care for him greatly as his â€Å"repugnance to him had melted away.† He finally realizes that he does not need wealth, nor does he need to elevate his status, in order to be happy. As he â€Å"lived happily†¦ and lived frugally† with his dear friend Herbert, he is no longer ashamed of his humble beginnings and is content with his place in society.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Labor-Leisure Model in the Everyday Life

Labor-Leisure Model in the Everyday Life I like many other college students am not currently seeking work in the labor force. As a student athlete playing golf I am constantly juggling my time between my studies as a senior Economics major, and maximizing my golfing potential and chasing my ultimate dream of becoming a professional golfer. Throughout this paper I will explain how I maximize my utility in different circumstances using the labor-leisure model.As I am not actively looking for work in the labor market my indifference curve is so steep there are no tangencies to my reservation wage, which is defined as the â€Å"lowest wage rate at which a worker is willing to accept a job. † By dedicating all my time to studying and practise, and none to the labor force my indifference curve has no tangency to my constraint. As a rational person who wants to maximize utility; the current wage rate is not high enough for me to substitute work for things I prefer to do in my free ti me, such as playing golf or studying for a test.I am fortunate enough that my parents have the opportunity to help me financially during my time at college, so I have a source of â€Å"unearned income† that I receive for working zero hours in the labor market. This â€Å"unearned income† is shown by the spike in figure 1 below. As mentioned above because of my high regard for leisure and the modest wages I am offered as a student with some college experience; my indifference curve has no tangencies to my constraint. Figure 1 depicts where utility is maximized at point A.As a utility maximizer it suits my personal preferences to accept the unearned income given to me by my parents and consume more leisure time. â€Å"Point [A] represents the highest utility that can be reached by [myself], given the budget constraint. † The labor-leisure model makes the assumption that leisure is a desirable product, which in my case it is. Furthermore, substituting three or four hours in the labor force for more hours of leisure time is an easy decision for a utility maximizer to make. The government faces similar problems with modern day welfare.Because of the modest wages offered to unskilled workers, and size of recent welfare packages many people maximize utility by removing themselves from the labor force, and accept benefits offered by the government whilst consuming more leisure time. As mentioned above, during school I am constantly dividing my time between practising for golf, and studying my current classes. Using the Production Possibilities frontier (shown in Figure 2 below) I can graphically show the choices I make in a variety of scenarios as a utility maximizer.Like most economic models it is a simplification of reality that represents â€Å"economic processes by a set of variables and a set of logical quantitative relationships between them. † To maintain the simplicity of the model I am assuming my average day consists of 16 hours, of which I divide my time between either practising golf or studying. I rarely dedicate all my waking hours to specifically golf or studying, but for the consistency of this model that assumption will be made.Figure 2 shows my personal production possibilities frontier, which â€Å"shows the alternative outputs of [golf practise] and [studying] that can be produced† by myself in any given day. â€Å"The production possibility curve clearly exhibits the notion of technical efficiency. † Any point inside the curve is considered inefficient, and any point outside the curve is unachievable. The production possibility frontier clearly shows that depending on how I allocate my time directly affects my productivity in both areas.For example, if I dedicate a disproportionate amount of time to studying my golf performance will decline as my grades increase, and vice-versa. As shown in Figure 2 there are many different combinations of golf practise and studying. Maximizing utili ty in this model is my selection of the most appropriate combination of studying and golf practise for the circumstances of that day. One of the biggest advantages of playing an individual sport is having the ability to design a schedule that suits my day to day activity.Points A, B, C, D and E all represent possible utility maximizing schedules on my production possibilities frontier. There are many factors that could affect my everyday schedule. For example, If I have a particularly important tournament coming up I may find it utility maximizing to substitute some hours studying for some hours practising at the golf course. This schedule would make my indifference curve steeper than usual, like the indifference curve U4 in figure 2. My grades may suffer at this schedule; however, performing well in tournaments also just as important so the schedule is still utility maximizing.I will maximize utility at a completely different point on my production possibilities frontier during fin als week. I will be more likely to substitute hours practising golf for time studying during finals week. As time spent studying becomes more valuable my indifference curve will become much flatter than on an ordinary day, like the indifference curve U2 in figure 2. As mentioned above, there are obvious flaws to this production possibilities frontier. However, an economic model is a simplification of reality that represents â€Å"economic processes by a set of variables and a set of logical quantitative relationships between them. I have never spent an entire day where I dedicated all my waking hours to either studying or practising golf. So despite point F on figure 2 not statistically being utility maximizing it is where I normally operate. Normal daily activities like eating, talking with friends and other general errands are not considered in this model. The shaded area in figure 2 represents time I spend doing activities that are unaccounted for by golf practise and studying. I plan to graduate in May 2013 with a Bachelors of Science degree in Economics.My degree is a sign to potential employers that I have been trained in the field of economics. According to the â€Å"Investment model of education† I will move from a male with â€Å"some college† experience to a male â€Å"college graduate. † The investment model of education suggests that college graduates are more likely to receive additional training in their early years of employment; resulting in higher wages. The potential for a higher wage could have a notable affect on my post-college labor-leisure model. The higher wage creates a steeper constraint, as seen below in Figure 3.Figure 3: Post-College Labor-Leisure Model If offered a wage high enough, the new constraint could become steep enough to where my indifference curve would have a point of tangency with my reservation wage, as seen above. As a result of the additional training I have received (a college education) my co nstraint has moved from the line AD to line AE. The severe increase in wage has increased my cost of consuming leisure considerably. My utility is now maximized by joining the labor force, as seen in the move from U1 to U2 on figure 3.The radical change to my labor-leisure model has not taken place without a huge substitution and income effect. The new wage greatly increased my costs of consuming leisure, so much so I substituted some hours of leisure for hours of work. This is known as the substitution effect, and can be seen graphically between points B and C. An income effect is also present. After graduation my parents will not continue to hand me money for nothing in return, so the unearned income at point F is no longer achievable.This decrease in income reduces my purchasing power of leisure and will increase my demand for labor hours. This income effect is shown graphically between points A and B. The total effect can be seen graphically between points A and C. The substitut ion and income effect usually move an individual’s preferences in opposite directions, but because I was choosing to work zero hours the presence of either effect could only increase my demand for work. In conclusion, I can portray how I make everyday decisions using the labor-leisure model and production possibilities frontier frameworks.As with most economic models, it drastically simplifies reality. The simplification however is necessary, due to the complex nature of economic variables; simplicity aids clarity. For an economic model to be successful two appropriate variables must be chosen. In my personal instance the relationship between practising golf and studying for classes are directly related. By simplifying and selecting applicable variables complex economic information can be expressed logically, as shown above. Works Cited EconoMonitor : EconoMonitor The Current Downturn: Labor-leisure Tradeoff or Technological Regress. † EconoMonitor : EconoMonitor A » The Current Downturn: Labor-leisure Tradeoff or Technological Regress. Web. 01 November 2012. . Heckman, James. JSTOR. Web. 05 November 2012. . Ehrenberg, Ronald G. , and Robert Stewart. Smith. Modern Labor Economics: Theory and Public Policy. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1987. Print. â€Å"Labor Supply. † Labor Supply. Web. 06 November 2012. . Nicholson, Walter. Intermediate Microeconomics: And Its Application. Houghton, Harcourt, 2000. Print.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Russia-Georgia conflict Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Russia-Georgia conflict - Research Paper Example This research paper takes a keen look at the crisis that took place between Georgia and Russia that lead to war between them. It keenly examines the buildup of the crisis between the two states. The tension between the two states had been caused by disagreement between them regarding matters of international importance. There were to separatist regions, Abkhazia and Ossetia, which had broken away from Georgia and were seeking recognition as independent states. Georgia, their mother country, objected this move and was struggling to win them back. In fact, she, along with other Commonwealth International States, had even imposed sanctions on Abkhazia. However, the resilient states went on to seek assistance in their bid to be recognized as independent breakaway republics. They approached Russia, along with other nations too and international organizations. Initially, Russia had warned Georgia against joining the NATO. Georgia disregarded this move and went ahead to join. This made Russ ia to be in support the breakaway republics. Russia acted by first lifting the sanctions imposed by the Commonwealth of international States on Abkhazia. She claimed that the sanctions were making life hard for the people of Georgia and also acting as an impediment to development. She also called upon other members of the Commonwealth International States to take the same action f lifting the sanctions. According to them, these sanctions were outdated and did more harm than good to the socio-economic development of the region. It also tries to look at whether there were any international agreements that had existed between the two states so as to identify whether the crisis was caused by a breach of agreement. This will assist in exposing the party which could have acted in breach of the agreement or expectations. In doing this, the cause of the war between Russia and Georgia will be clear because a brief outlook into the events that preceded the war has been done. The paper has als o looked at some of the after war events and the analysis of the whole crisis from different viewpoints. The lessons which can be drawn from the crisis so as to have a better way of approach to conflicts in the future also emerge from the keen analysis. Attempts to have proper agreements between Russia and Georgia There were two break away regions which were Abkhazia and Ossetia. They had broken away from Georgia and were seeking recognition as independent states. They mostly sort assistance from Russia among other countries and international organizations. Russia had warned Georgia against joining the NATO, lest they, made recognition to Abkhazia and Ossetia as independent countries. Georgia went ahead to join NATO and this made Russia to make the first move of lifting the sanctions that had been imposed on the Abkhazia by the Commonwealth of Independent States. A major conflict had arisen had arisen between Georgia and Russia because they had failed to come into an agreement about whether the two self-proclaimed republics were to be recognized. The UN together with other Western countries intervened in this conflict and attempted to resolve the dispute in an amicable manner. Several sessions were convened all with an aim of striking an agreement between the two states but they ended up bearing no fruits. Another Non-Governmental Organization that has majorly contributed to this topic is the Global Centre for the Responsibility to protect. It evaluated the Russia Georgia crisis. According to its findings, the Russian government argued that its military operations in Georgia were conducted for humanitarian purposes. Russia’s president, Prime Minister and UN ambassador termed Georgia’

Friday, September 27, 2019

Role of Special Interest Groups Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Role of Special Interest Groups Paper - Essay Example Death penalty is such a big issue that has for a very long time affected formation of policies of most governments because Human Rights Activists are ever against this law because it at times is applied on innocent victims. In 1967 for instance, there were lots of cases revolving around crime in the U.S., which recorded a 16% increase. From this perspective, policies had to be formed to curb the rise in insecurity and for that reason; death penalty was the best option. However, most Human Right Activists still argue that death penalty is no deterrent to crime. While the policy can in one way or the other be an effective tool in reducing crime, there have been frequent complains that prosecutors pass judgment basing on race. Race has been a â€Å"mutant pest† in the U.S., whose eradication remains an uphill task. The U.S. signed three treaties to ensure justice is not administered on racial bias. The U.N. Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment was adopted by the U.N. General Assembly in 1984, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) that deters anyone from unconstitutional application of death penalty, and the International Con vention on the Elimination of All Forms of racial Discrimination, which requires administration of justice in accordance to human rights and not on the basis of race. However, in 1992, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights noticed that the U.S. had breached the treaties when it executed William Andrews in Utah, which indicates that there is racial discrimination in administration of justice. Most empirical research findings indicate that 90% of decisions made in the U.S. judicial system have geared influence by racial disparities (Dieter, 2012 p.27). The U.S. government should consider acting quickly on matters pertaining racial

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Infrastructure and Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Infrastructure and Security - Essay Example Network infrastructure consists of single networked computers, cables, routers, wireless access points, network access methodologies, switches, network protocols, bridges and backbones among other devices. In the case of our organization, a closed architecture would be favourable. It is very important to have proper infrastructure in place so that future problems can be avoided. For instance, end user devices should in no way be used to perform any networking functions and conversely it is not a good practice for network devices to deal with functions at Layer 7. The right networking devices should be used in a network so that network instability can be avoided. Mixing of network and application functions can be quite expensive in the event of bug fixes and upgrading and might even bring the whole network to a halt (Stilwell et al, 2006). The arrangement of different network items is referred to as network topology. Network topologies are classified into physical and logical network topologies. Physical topology deals with the interconnection of devices while logical topologies are concerned with how data flows across the network. The company will need a physical star topology layout with a logical bus topology. Star topology is easier to upgrade since it requires upgrading the devices without necessarily changing the cabling. The star topology uses a switch which sends traffic where it is required to go (Stilwell et al, 2006). The figure below shows a logical and physical topographical layout of the current and planned network in an organization Different LAN segments in different floors can be interconnected using a collapsed backbone architecture which is a type of LAN architecture. The LAN backbone is collapsed using Ethernet switch of layer 2. A Fast Ethernet switch with a speed of 1 Gps will be the central device where each LAN segment links to the central Fast Ethernet switch, through two Fast Ethernet connections of fiber optic to each switch. Spanning Tree protocol configures the two switches which acts as backup while the other acts as a primary switch. In case of failure by one switch, the other switch takes over (Stilwell et al, 2006). Laying down the infrastructure layout is half job; network security measures have to be considered. There are specific threats that may target poorly managed network infrastructure security. Some of these risks include loss of data privacy, data integrity may also be lost, denial of service and system compromise. Therefore, better practices are implemented to ensure systems and sensitive information is housed (Stilwell et al, 2006). The main principles regarding network security are better design practices which may be expressed in five ways. The first one is to ensure a secured manner of configuring and accessing network devices. The second one is that network communications should use secure protocols. The third one is appropriate separation of external and internal facing networks, by use of control devices like router access control lists or securely configured firewalls and demilitarized zones (DMZs). Finally, there should be secure management of accessibility of internal networks remotely. Lastly, configuring of internal networks to detect or prevent running of untrusting traffic or

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Read an article about a remedial action that Sony's management team Essay

Read an article about a remedial action that Sony's management team has taken following the PlayStation data breach and write - Essay Example The CIOs in many companies have to circumvent multiple layers of management to pass on information to the CEOs. Actually the companies can well use their CIOs for generating new product ideas and for grading the customer information, so as to decide which information needs to be deleted or saved for long term use. It was only in retrospect that Sony decided to create the post of Chief Information Security Officer. The truth is that many companies dependent on information for business, like the finance industry do unexceptionally always had the post of a CISO. This laxity on the part of Sony cost the company millions in terms of business and information. However, Sony is still continuing with its obsolete organizational framework, thereby depriving the CIO a ready and easy access to the CEO. In the contemporary economies information is not only the actual product, but it is a product that can be accessed, retrieved and transferred within a matter of seconds.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Idealism vs. Realism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Idealism vs. Realism - Essay Example The study proposes to employ an analytical descriptive approach to trace the elements of morality and immorality in the views of Niccolo Machiavelli and Martin Luther King with reference to the works mentioned. According to Machiavelli, institutional and dictatorial authorities are part of the ruling of a principality. A leader has to adopt pragmatic solutions to the disruptions among people. His statement that â€Å"all armed prophets have been victorious, and all unarmed prophets have been destroyed† (26) shed light on his belief that it is necessary to resort to force to gain and maintain power. The governance of the populace will thus fall in the hands of the powerful rulers who cater to the needs of the majority in most cases to please them. However, Machiavelli foresees instances where the majority too will have to be suppressed when they rise against the interests of the sovereignty: †¦let it here be noted that men are either to be kindly treated, or utterly crushed, since they can revenge lighter injuries, but not graver. Therefore the injury we do to a man should be of a sort to leave no fear of reprisals (9). The suggestions to use extreme measures to crush the popular movements against the regime and even to behead their leaders (33) to frighten and calm down the followers exhibits the cold, clinical approach Machiavelli adopts to analyze the governance of principalities. The lack of morality owes much to the realist stance he takes on the issues which call for mutual understanding. He is not worried by the idealistic aspects of morality and justice in the deeds of princes, since the ultimate aim of his narrative is to harden the conscience of them so as to procure and sustain power. The amoral, totalitarian views presented in The Prince have in fact attributed a diabolic identity to Machiavelli, underlying his lack of concern for morality. Martin Luther King shows his strong disappointment towards the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Internet Connectivity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Internet Connectivity - Research Paper Example Protocol and computer languages are being implemented to ensure that communication through the internet is done from anywhere in the world and in a fast way One importance of having high speed internet connections around the world is the fact that it will save on both time and money. For instance, board meetings can be held over video link rather than incurring the huge travelling costs and allowances. According to a research done, a slow internet connection is considered the one of the most annoying things by most people. Another importance of high speed internet connection is that it will allow for more international business since information is sent and received on real time. A good example of an industry that depends on high speed internet connections is the stock market. This paper will critically discuss the various internet and networking technologies specifically DSL, cable, satellite, and wireless cellular connection technologies establishing the need of using more than one internet connection technology. DSL is a cluster of technologies that facilitate internet access through transmitting data which is digital over a telephone network that is wired and local. The origins of the technology can be traced back in a book written in 1948 by Claude Shannon titled â€Å"A Mathematical Theory of Communication.† ( Habraken 2003). However it was first implemented in 1979 where a remote computer was connected to a telephone wire that was existing where data and telephone terminals were connected. Basically a local loop is used to perform telephone exchange where telephones are connected which is usually a pair of physical wires. Before, the loops were only meant for the transmission of audio frequencies between 300 and 3400 hertz. Gradually trucks were converted to digital over long distances providing the interface of transmitting data via these loops thus the birth of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

International Trade Theory and Policy Essay Example for Free

International Trade Theory and Policy Essay Multilateral trade negotiations forums are organizations established to regulate trade between many countries of the world. The agreement involves establishing organizations which regulate trade in the entire world. The increase in globalization has forced many countries to form regulatory organizations to avoid bad trade practices. To enhance trade many countries have created trade agreements to remove barriers to trade. Economic integration is the most important aspect discussed by the trade agreement organizations. The organizations aim at achieving an integrated economy where countries can trade with each other. After the World War II many leaders of the world felt that the economies of the destroyed countries could only be improved through trade. One of the proposals to improve trade was to create a laissez-faire global economy but this was rejected since it was not applicable. The leaders agreed to establish global trade organizations which would enhance trade by reducing the barriers to trade which had been placed by the countries. During the war many countries created strict barriers to trade to protect their economies from external influence (Anderson, 2005). The General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs was the first agreement to be established. The agreement was established to enhance trade between the member countries but was later converted into World Trade Organization (WTO). The International Monetary Fund was also created to regulate the economic status of the developing nations as well as regulate international economic activities (Smith, Sumner Rosson, n. d. ). Reconstruction of the damaged economies after the World War II was the priority of these organizations. For many years several amendments have been made to accommodate the changing economic climate. Trade liberalization has been the most important aspect during the amendments. For example, according to Anderson. (2005, pg. 414), the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations led to agreements signed in 1994 that contributed to trade liberalization over the subsequent 10 years. † Despite the many advantages accompanied by the establishment of the international trade organizations, there have been several disadvantages accompanied by the activities of opening up of domestic markets to international trade. An example is the global economic recession of the 2007-2009 that was experienced by the world economies after the banking industry and the mortgage industry collapsed due to poor financial practices by the U. S. banks. Importance of multilateral trade institutions The multilateral trade organizations were created to enhance trade and stability of the economies of the member countries. Initially they were established to reconstruct the economies which had been destroyed during the World War II. Many countries realized the importance of trade in improving the economies after the war. Trade was the only tool that could restore the original status of the economies. Before and during the war many countries had put a lot of trade barriers to prevent trade with other countries. Opening up domestic economies required negotiations with all countries of the world to enhance a more open economic system (Warnke, 1996). Multilateral trade institutions improve international trade since they encourage member countries to open up their domestic markets to international trade. Trade disputes are resolved more easily between and among conflicting countries, hence leading to a good relationship between countries. Production according to comparative advantage has been encouraged by the improvement in international trade. Countries are encouraged to produce goods which they can produce most economically. Different countries have different resources which give them the potential to create income generating products. Through international trade resources are utilized optimally since an economy will specialize in the production of products which it has greater advantages (Bernard et al. 2007). International trade has encouraged countries to specialize in the production of goods and services. The mobility of factors of production has been accelerated by globalization. More industries are encouraging division of labor to increase the productivity of labor factors of production. More industries have developed with the expansion of international trade. These industries create more employment opportunities to the citizens of a country. As the par capita income of the people increases their living standards is improved. Poverty alleviation campaigns have encouraged improved international trade as one of the strategies to enhance development of nations (Bernard et al. 2007). Opening up the domestic market to international trade creates more advantages than disadvantages. The international prices are lower than the domestic prices. The consumers obtain goods and services at lower prices. The competition created by the international trade encourages the domestic firms to be efficient in their production systems. The customers are provided with a wide variety of products to select from (Bernard et al. 2007). Multilateral trade organizations control the globalization of economies. Globalization refers to the international operation of business activities and the transfer of information between countries. Globalization has affected business activities both positively and negatively. Global markets have emerged and many companies are operating in several countries. This has created competitiveness of the companies since the global markets are larger than regional markets. Globalization is the process of integrating the global economies, societies and cultures by connecting communication and trade networks. Economic globalization refers to the integration of global economies by enhancing trade, foreign direct investment, sharing of technology, movement of people and flow of capital. The factors which influence the rate of globalization are the world economies, technology, and socio-cultural, political and biological aspects (Warnke, 1996). Globalization has improved the exchange of technologies and knowledge. This has increased the capacity of businesses to expand on the number of innovative products in the market. The public sector alone cannot accommodate all the skilled labor in a country and trade provides more employment opportunities for the people in a nation. As economies become more global people with skills can move to countries where there is high market potential for their labor. The introduction of internet has increased efficiency in trade by enabling people transfer information more easily. Trade attracts private investment and this generates more capital in the economy. The gross domestic product of a country increases with increase in trade. Growth and development of an economic is accelerated by trade since more income is generated and the living standards of the people are improved (Daniels, Radebaugh Sullivan, 2007). Poverty levels in both developing and developed countries have declined by greater margins due to participation of countries in the international trade. Economies have acquired more wealth and the gross domestic product of countries has improved. WTO has become the custodian of international law on trade. The enforcement of trade laws about good trade practices has been possible after the creation of WTO. The establishment of regional and multilateral trade agreements was experienced after WTO was created. This has encouraged many countries remove barriers to trade (World Trade Organization 2010). Weaknesses of multilateral trade institutions Most of the multilateral trade organizations are affected by the political climate in the member countries. Any political war between the member countries can ruin the operation of the organizations. When the organizations support some political organizations; they affect the interests of the members and this reduces the delivery of the required obligations. Politically strong countries have dominated the operations of the multilateral organizations and this is causing a lot of concern to the global trade communities. Decision making at the trade organizations has become very difficult since many participants are not willing to accept rules which affect their economies negatively. Anderson (2005, pg. 417) suggests that although trade can and should play an important role in allowing developing countries to lift themselves out of poverty, in reality international trade agreements and institutions have more often than not contributed to the continuation of global social and economic injustice. The developed nations have dominated the multilateral trade organizations. For example, according to Anderson (2005, pg. 31) with decision-making based on a consensus system, so each member has equal decision-making power, the WTO is held to be the most democratic of all the international institutions with a global mandate. In practice, however, the working methods of the WTO lack transparency, inclusiveness and equity. There have been conflicts as the developing nations are becoming concerned about the great influence the developed nations have on the decisions in these organizations. Multilateral trade agreements are complicated to establish since many countries are involved. The interests of each country should be represented during the negotiations to ensure that conflicts do not arise afterwards (Amadeo, 2010). Despite the establishment of the trade organizations many countries continue to place more trade discrimination measures upon other countries. They include not just trade taxes-cum-subsidies but also contingent protection measures such as anti-dumping, regulatory standards that can be technical barriers to trade, and domestic production subsidies Anderson (2005, pg. 415). Many trade distortions have occurred since the global economies were established. Multilateral trade organizations have encouraged the opening up of economies to international market influence. The opening up of domestic markets has affected the global economies. Several disadvantages have been accompanied by the opening up of the domestic markets, for example, the global economic meltdown of the 2007-2008. The crisis started with the rise in prices for basic products due to the international increase in fuel prices. The prices of oil and food products increased within a short duration leading to an economic crisis which affected many people in US. The prices for many products increased and inflation was experienced all over the country. Many subprime borrowers had low incomes and the rise in prices for basic products increased the expenses for their living. Many companies retrenched employees to accommodate the increasing production costs. The borrowers were unable to repay the loans resulting to massive defaults. More than 100 subprime mortgage intermediaries filed for bankruptcy. Reacquisition of the houses from the defaulters caused a lot of people to become homeless (Platt, 2008). Subprime mortgages are policies which have a high risk of default. Subprime borrowers are the people with low incomes and have a poor credit history. They have higher risk of default compared to the prime borrowers. The US government had deregulated the real estate mortgages leading to massive investment in subprime mortgages. This caused the risky lending of subprime mortgages. The subprime mortgages were not popular initially but they became widely used in the 1990s. The climax of the sub prime mortgages was in 2006 when they accounted for more than 21 percent of all mortgages traded in the US market. The value of subprime mortgages in 2006 was valued at $600 billion. Many subprime mortgage intermediaries were established to reap the benefits of the expanding industry (Helleiner, 2009). The world economies have experienced a major decline due to poor performance of many industries. This is a crisis which has affected all sectors of the economy. Williams (2009) claims that the crisis was initiated by the subprime mortgage lending crisis in US. The banking sector issued many loans to subprime mortgage intermediaries. Due to the expanding market in the sub prime mortgage market many banks issued unsecured loans to the intermediaries. The climax of the boom was reached in 2007 when the prices of products started to increase and many subprime mortgage lenders were unable to repay their loans. This led to massive default of debts and banks registered huge losses. This reduced the lending capacity of many banks. The resulting effect was lack of credit in the economy and the collapse of many companies (Stapledon, 2009). The government of US is to be blame for the crisis. The 102nd Congress under the leadership of George W. Bush deregulated the housing sector in 1992 (Guttmann, 1994). The main aim was to increase the availability of money for buying housing. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac companies were deregulated and could spend $97. 50 to buy housing loans. Banks with $100 could spend more than $90 buying mortgage loans. The companies had been ordered by the congress to retain more capital to for risk allowance but this was not practiced. Since 1992 the mortgage sector experienced the highest boom with many companies investing heavily in the sector. Subprime mortgage intermediary companies were developed to assist homeowners acquire loans from the banks (Stapledon, 2009). The banking sector was the worse hit by the crisis. Inter-bank lending declined and banks had no money to issue to their customers. Most of the banks collapsed while others registered huge losses. This was as a result of failure by many subprime mortgage intermediaries which defaulted the huge loans they had acquired from the banks. The central bank could not lead to all the banks due to the massive crisis that affected the entire country. Since US is a market for many commodities from other countries there was an extension of the crisis to other economies causing a global economic meltdown. Many economies declined since they had no market for their goods. Inflation increased as prices persistently increased. The entire world encountered economic crisis which resulted into failure by all sectors of the economy in the world (Stapledon, 2009). Many international organizations have intervened to eradicate the problem. The intervention by the World Bank has created better results in the efforts to reduce the impacts of the crisis. World Bank has issued loans to many countries to increase the income levels of the people. Many companies have been able to access loans due to the fun ding by World Bank. The availability of loans has increased since last year and many companies have regained their capacity (Bayne, 2008). The World Trade Organization has negotiated with the oil producing countries to reduce the oil prices as one of the measures to reduce the effects of the crisis. The global oil prices increased causing the prices of many products to rise. The high product prices caused inflation in the whole world. WTO has also encouraged trade by persuading some countries remove the trade barriers they had placed upon their trade partners when the crisis was at the climax (Stephen, T. 2008).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Gender stereotypes Essay Example for Free

Gender stereotypes Essay According to the oxford dictionary the definition of stereotype is â€Å" A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing†. Everyone has a preconceived notion about a ‘MAN’ and a ‘WOMEN’, a man’s work or women’s work, the characteristic ways in which a man or a women is defined also has some preconceived notions. These preconceived notions can be defined as stereotypes. The stereotypes begin at an early age, even as an infant it is already decided that blue is for boys and pink is for girls, even their toys are decided, have you ever witnessed a small boy ever agreeing to like or play with Barbie dolls? I haven’t. Stereotypes are embedded in our society to such an extent that we don’t even realise it, they influence our thought process, the way we become less indifferent towards things, the way we perceive things everything is defined by a simple word:- Stereotype. Even in the 21st century stereotypes exist, it is considered curtsey when a man opens the door for women, but is it really? Or has it always been like this? Why is it that the man has to propose to the love of his life why can’t a women to do? Why is it that women have to always be in the kitchen and cook? Why dothey have to take care of the kids? These are still some of the most common stereotypes that exist but no one really does much about it. Usually, the female stereotypic part is to get married and have children. She is also expected to put her relations well-being before her own, be loving, compassionate, caring, nurturing, and sympathetic. The male stereotypic part is to be the financial provider. He is also to be assertive, competitive, independent, courageous, and career? focused, expected to keep his emotions aside or in check. These stereotypes can hinder a person’s development and make them restricted to the confinement of the stereotype that precedes their gender and never be able to grow out of it. â€Å"Women were created from the rib of man to be beside him, not from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be trampled by him, but from under his arm to be protected by him, near to his heart to be loved by him. † ? David O. McKay.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Techniques Of Creating Stop Motion

Techniques Of Creating Stop Motion The dissertation focuses on the techniques and methods of creating stop motion and how it is implemented on various forms of visual media. The initial motivation for the content and structure of this dissertation is based on personal experience during my project and also some research on it. Several research and reviews also helped me to specify and provide certain suggestions. This dissertation will briefly explain about what are stop motion and different techniques and method of creating stop motion. And also study how to improvise and implement the stop motion in the modern CGI media industry. An introduction to some of the most popular types of stop motion. The types of stop motion reviewed and discussed in this dissertation include: Puppet animation Puppetoon Clay mation Cutout animation Silhouette animation Model animation Go motion Object animation Graphic animation Pixilation Chapter 1 Introduction Stop-motion animation is described as a type of animation created or designed by physically manipulating or altering real-world or physical objects and is photographed or captured them on one frame of a film at a single time. And when it plays altogether it will create the illusion of movement. There are many different types of stop-motion animation, usually named or tagged after the type of media or way used to create the animation. There are many Computer software is widely available in the market to create this type of animation. In late 80s stop motion become unpopular due to its strange appeal and unorthodox style of animating character. Stop motion was widely used in special effect especially in 80s.The process and traditional stop motion has been kept alive by great directors like Tim Burton and Nick Park. Stop motion is usually the work of an oneman craftsmanship performing all the duties under intense concentration on one frame at a time while, CGI or 3D special effect sequences tend to have small group devoted or appointed people to their specialized tasks. In terms of larger debates, stop motion generally wins over the traditional artistically-based 3d animation because its handcrafted naturally and lively and can be corrected any moment by keeping its traditional art history background of design and sculpture, At the end its a magic show in which actual physical or real world objects have been handled or manipulated in a way which produces an illusion of motion to the audience 1. Research question What is stop motion What are the types , methods and technique for creating stop motion What are role and importance of camera in stop motion What are the pros and cons of stop motion in production What is the future of stop motion 2. Aim The dissertation aims to find out the role and techniques of stop motion in visual media industry and also how it can be implemented in present generation media industry. 3. Objectives To define stop motion and its history To explain the different method and techniques involved in creating stop motion To explain how the camera effects on creating stop motion To analyze the pros and cons of stop motion To analyze the integration between the techniques of stop motion with new generation computer graphics media 4. Summary of chapters: 4. a. Stop motion This section provides the introductuion and the brief history of the stop motion. The reader will understand what exactly stop motion is. 4. b. Different types of stop motion This section explains the different types of stop motion, the technique and method to create it and also the resource and artist behind it. 4. c. Camera in stop motion The sections explain of choosing the camera and the requirement for it. A brief summary of camera and also the merits and demerits of each one 4. d. Stop motion in present day media industry This section explains how it is integrated in new generation media industry and also the impact of stop motion over the traditional animators 4. e. Review of some popular stop motion This section provides the use of different technique and method in each individual movie from past and present day media. 4. f. Future of stop motion Stop motion and 3D integration with stereoscopy This section briefly explains the future enhancements and technology involved in the next-generation of stop motion in the media industry Chapter 2 Review of Literature Creating a stop motion is huge and painstaking process than any other form of art .the production is a very time consuming and should take care of sculptor or the modeler and also the technical issue like frame rate and the camera . So in production these things should be executed in a good rhythm to get a fine output The production behind the project should give the proper backup and take care the whole pipeline. The stop motion makes believe, that real object and physical figures comes alive lives in front of them. Its purely an artist work. But in the world of 3d, the stop motion got some great challenge to face. 3d animation takes a short duration of production time regarding stop motion. So commonly the 3d got popular in the industry. But in present world of media industry there are few stop motion enthusiast and director who kept this art alive and bringing a new form of stop motion. The stop motion is purely an intrinsic work and effort of each sculptor or a modeler. So the basic idea of stop motion is the process technique and methods involved etc, is to understand before an artist and he can go ahead and create a stop motion in the production phase. This way he would be able to understand the technique to create a good stop motion Chapter 2 Literature review Article by Ken A. Priebe (2006) mention about the art of stop motion and also How to create puppets and how to bring them to life and create a stop-motion film. Article by Tom Brierton (2006) mention and discuss about the aesthetics of stop-motion animation. He explains the technique of lighting and camera. And the article also discussed on body language of model, facial expression, gesture, movement and emotion of the model. Article by Barey. J.C .Purves (2008) mentions and discussed about the potential of puppet and models insight of world most popular stop motion animators and discussed on initial concept and script writing Chapter 3 | Research Methodology The research paper carries out a qualitative evaluation of material collected from secondary data source i.e. literatures and articles already written. The research is aimed to explain the techniques, method and overall awareness of stop motion to use in present generation production. The research methodology used is described below: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Description about Stop motion à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Different types of stop motion à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Technical analysis of stop motion à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Explanation of present day stops motion à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Review of some popular stop motion à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Analysis and report making suggestions based on the reviews à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Future developments of stop motion are explained. The theory and history behind the development of stop motion is first explained. Then the different type of stop motion is elaborated. This gives a basic idea about the technology and theory behind production Then the various common features and criteria of production are explained to give an idea as to what exactly artists can do. Then some review over the popular work and the techniques and method behind it, Based on the reviews, a report is made to give an idea that how it can be implemented in the perfect way Upcoming developments and enhancements of stop motion production are then explained in brief. Chapter 4 Stop motion Key words: Animation, stop motion Animation is a simulation of movement created by displaying series of image in 2d, 3d or a model position in order to create a sequence 1. | Definition Albert E. Smith and Stuart Blackton (1898) is the creator of first stop motion. Stop motion (also known as stop action or frame-by-frame) is an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own. The object is moved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames is played as a continuous sequence 2. | Overview Animation as a whole can be related as the base of different type and method of animation available in the industry. It is also considered as the different form of art Animation are categorized by the techniques used, they include: Traditional animation Stop motion 2D animation 3D animation Here the research is on stop motion and the stop motion is divided into Puppet animation Puppetoon Clay mation Cutout animation Silhouette animation Model animation Go motion Object animation Graphic animation Pixilation 3. | History Stop motion had a long history and it is old as the traditional film. The stop motion is involved in animating objects which makes movement to nonliving objects such as toy blocks or any inanimate objects. Later the stop motion animator experimented on clay animation and puppet animation. The early examples of stop motion film and technique can be seen the movie Humpty Dumpty circus (1898) and another film called Fun in bakery shop (1902)[1]. The haunted hotel was very successful movie, with the cinema audience of that time (1907) The first stop motion that used in clay animation got a great critical acclaim (1912) And was called Modeling extraordinary The first woman animator, Helena Smith Dayton, began experimenting with clay stop motion (1916). Her first film released in 1917, Romeo and Juliet The other big changes in stop motion was brought by Willis o Brien by including 49 pre historic animals in his film Some of the other notable Milestones in the History of stop motion The great stop motion animator, Ray Harryhausen received the Gordon E. Sawyer Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for his contributions in technology 1991. But in early 20th century the face of stop motion has dramatically changed with the development of digital 3D animation and animating 3D character and become much easier and fast which the industry was favored. So it becomes rarely used. Now the stop motion enthusiast and director who kept this art alive are bringing a new form of stop motion. The stop motion is purely an intrinsic work and effort of each sculptor or a modeler. Chapter 5 | Different types of stop motion Stop motion is categorized in different type, according to the media used to create the animation They are Puppet animation Puppetoon Clay animation Cutout animation Silhouette animation Model animation Go motion Object animation Graphic animation Pixilation Stop motion is a highly time-consuming job based on the complexity of the scene and the different animating techniques, methods opt for. 1. Puppet animation: Puppet animation is a method that involves articulated puppet. These puppet figures interact with each other in a constructed environment or a set, in contrast to the real world interaction in a model animation. As on the technical side the puppets are made of constraints which allow them to move the joints to create a movement, and also the puppet will have an armature inside them keep steady or fixed steady in the set The famous puppet animation works are Tale of the Fox (France, 1937), Nightmare before Christmas (US, 1993), Corpse Bride (US, 2005), Coraline (US, 2009), the films of Jiri Trnka and the TV series Robot Chicken (US, 2005-present). a. Puppetoon: Unlike clay animators like Nick Park, Will Vinton or Art Clokey, George Pals animators worked in a replacement technique using hand-carved wooden puppets. A separate puppet (or puppet part) was used for each motion, rather than clay or hinged parts. A single walking sequence, for instance, could involve 12 pairs of legs for one character. An average Puppetoon short would use 9,000 puppets. 2. Clay animation: Clay animation or otherwise termed as plasticine animation is commonly known as Claymation. They use clay or a different type of malleable substance to create the figure which is used for the stop motion animation. Similar to puppet animation figure this Claymation figure also have the armature or wireframe inside them and they can be manipulated or altered the figure in the particular scene or shot. There are certain films like in which the figure is entirely made of clay. By using this method they can morph the creature or the figure into another shape. Examples of clay-animated works include The Gumby Show (US, 1957-1967) Morph shorts (UK, 1977-2000), Wallace and Gromit shorts (UK, as of 1989), Jan Ã…Â  vankmajers Dimensions of Dialogue(Czechoslovakia, 1982), The Trap Door (UK, 1984). Films include Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit, Chicken Run and the Adventures of Mark Twain 3. Cut out animation: Cutout animation is based on 2 dimensional animations. In this animation 2D objects like paper or cloth are move frame by frame to create the effect. Examples include Terry Gilliams animated sequences from Monty Pythons Flying Circus (UK, 1969-1974); Fantastic Planet (France/Czechoslovakia, 1973) ; Tale of Tales (Russia, 1979), The pilot episode of the TV series (and sometimes in episodes) of South Park (US, 1997). 4. Silhouette animation: Silhouette animation is a different variant of cutout animation .In this animation the characters are backlited and the result will be a silhouettes of the figure Examples include The Adventures of Prince Achmed (Weimar Republic, 1926) and Princes et princesses (France, 2000). 5. Model animation: Model animation refers to stop-motion animation created to interact with and exist as a part of a live-action world. Intercutting, matte effects, and split screens are often employed to blend stop-motion characters or objects with live actors and settings. Examples include the work ofRay Harryhausen, as seen in films such Jason and the Argonauts (1961), and the work ofWillis OBrien on films such as King Kong (1933 film). 6. Go motion: Go motion is a variant of model animation which uses various techniques to create motion blur between frames of film, which is not present in traditional stop-motion. The technique was invented by Industrial Light HYPERLINK Magic and Phil Tippett to create special effects scenes for the film The Empire Strikes Back (1980). Another example is Vermithrax from Dragonslayer (1981 film). 7. Object animation: Object animation refers to the use of regular inanimate objects in stop-motion animation, as opposed to specially created items. 8. Graphic animation: Graphic animation uses non-drawn flat visual graphic material (photographs, newspaper clippings, magazines, etc.) which are sometimes manipulated frame-by-frame to create movement. At other times, the graphics remain stationary, while the stop-motion camera is moved to create on-screen action. 9. Pixilation: Pixilation involves the use of live humans as stop motion characters. This allows for a number of surreal effects, including disappearances and reappearances, allowing people to appear to slide across the ground, and other such effects. In this method live humans are used as stop-motion animation props. A very good example of this is the old sci-fi movies in which actors acting on screen used to just vanish in a split second; one frame they are there and the other they are gone. An awesome example is Norman McLarens Neighbors and A Chairy Tale. A must watch. Examples of pixilation include The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb and Angry Kid shorts. Chapter 6 | Camera in stop motion Camera plays an important role in the field of stop motion. There are certain basic requirements for the camera to shoot decent stop motion film. As the stop motion is based on frame by frame capturing, the camera should be rock solid. The other important thing are the Screen resolution, manual focus and manual image control and also the types of cameras like webcams, film cameras, camcorders and digital still camera. The screen resolution will be dependent on the medium of output and the camera used. When the medium of output is web based then the web camera are mostly appreciated, and when it is broadcasting for television or other bigger screen media , a bigger camera are needed that have broadcast resolution The other thing use must take care in camera are manual focus because in each frame the object will move in the field of view and this cause the focus to change . The other thing u should notice is zoom and it should be optical zoom and not digital zoom, because the digital zoom tend to pixelate. Manual image control is other main feature that can manually override gain, exposure and white balance. Types of camera Web cameras: Web cam will be the cheapest and simplest way to make a stop motion. The plus is that unlike film cameras, there is no waiting for entire role to get exposed and developed. The beginners can start with webcam and slowly by practicing they can go for higher or expensive cameras. The merits of web cams are, they are cheap and with decent web cam we can produce a good broadcast quality animation. And also can check feedback instantly. The demerits are that the lens cannot be interchange for better quality lens Film camera: The most common choice of the motion picture format is super-8, 16mm and 35mm. In this range the 35mm camera will be outside range, because it is costly and it depends on the production In this camera the least expensive is super-8 and for 16mm we must pay little more for film and processing. The small drawback of the camera is that it is having a spring drive device which is used to wind .Because of this it cause uneven exposure, so it is better to get an animation motor fitted on it for the ease of work. The merits are that, the output will look like digital video. They can interchange lenses and also can offer timed exposure, double exposure and matte effects. The demerits are the cost of the film, as it will cost more developing process Camcorders: There are different types of camera available in the market and can be used for filming stop motion. You can capture the live feed from the camera through frame grabber software and can make correction. For an old camcorder you should have a analog/digital converter. If it is DV camcorder you dont need a converter, just connect through fire wire or usb port. You can provide a live feed to the computer through the capturing software without a tape inside Digital still camera: We can take stop motion in digital still camera and this camera offers a high resolution images. And the main feature is that you can do exposure setting The merits are that it got higher resolution and have a good optics, and also allow lens interchange The demerits are they wont work with frame grabbers, and also have flicker issues. Chapter 7 | Stop motion in present day media industry

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Roger and Me :: essays papers

Roger and Me The film was one that utilized and demonstrated many techniques found in the genre of documentary. Michael Moore took every aspect of making a film and flawlessly executed it. The resulting product was one that was to the point and interesting. The first thing that I realized was Moore’s ability to use B role and integrate it seamlessly into the film. One example would be when he was moving home from San Diego. The story cut to a scene in a movie that was of a man coming home from the army. I remember thinking that even though this film had nothing to do with the story at hand, it was very clear as to what happened. He saved a few mins of film and got straight to the point. Various other film clips were used to tell the story. This brings me to the second point, which is Moore’s ability to hold the audiences attention. You have a film about the town of Flint, Michigan and the trouble it went through during the GM plant closings. Right now I can think of a few thousand ways a filmmaker could have taken this story, added his point of view, and bored me out of my mind. That couldn’t be any farther from the truth. I found myself drawn into the story that Michael presented. He used comedy to pick up some slower parts and good camera angles to keep my attention on the screen. As for Story and Characters Moore once again used text book accuracy and added his twist. He picked a few characters and used them through out the film. This is something that kept the audience from getting confused. I think a lot of filmmakers screw up by introducing too many characters. For example, the sheriff deputy was a main character the makes you realize the truth behind what was going on. The Deputy represented the problems and pain that GM was causing by closing the plants.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Anatomy of an Interview :: Interviewing Job Workforce Essays

According to Professor G.J. of Texas Tech University, "a productive interview is much like a good conversation, questions are asked to elicit more than a yes or no answer" ("Interviewing"). In an interview there are certain criteria to be addressed. This criteria includes, the purpose, the collection of data or evidence, and the concluding thoughts on the subject. The "Interview with the Luddite," between Kevin Kelly and Kirkpatrick Sale demonstrate the basic principles of interviewing. Kevin Kelly is the author of Out of Control: The Rise of Neo-biological Civilization (1994). Kirkpatrick Sale is the author of Rebels Against the Future: The Luddites and Their War on the Industrial Revolution-Lessons for the Computer Age (1995). Their discussion or disagreement on the subject of technology expresses the issues raised on both sides of the topic. Both men divulge their opinions as well as what they view as evidence to support their claims. Analysis of the interview involves the concepts of tone and fallacy. The definition of tone is: "a particular vocal quality that indicates some emotion or feeling, an accent, inflection, or intonation" (Webster's 1984). A fallacy, according to Webster's Dictionary, is: "A statement or argument based on a false or invalid inference." These two subtle parts influence the entire interview. The interaction and inverse relationship between tone and fallacy can sway the direction of an interview. Kelly creates the initial tone of the interview. By asking the first question, he sets the environment for Sale to respond. In the interview between Kelly and Sale, Kelly opens the discussion with the fallacy of loaded language. He asks Sale, "Other than arson and a lot of vandalism, what did the Luddites accomplish in the long run?" (243). The words "arson" and "vandalism" force Sale to be on defense right from the beginning. Sale realizes this and answers Kelly with the fallacy, Post Hoc; inferring that since one event occurs after another, it must be the cause of the second event. He argues that because "technosphere" interferes with the "biosphere" that it must be "destroying the biosphere" (244). These two examples demonstrate how tone of the interview is set. After both men raise their side's flag, they automatically assume that the rest of the interview will be an offense/defense interchange. The purpose of this interview is to raise the issue of technology and address it from both sides of the topic. In simplified terms, Kelly is for technology, while Sale is against technology. Anatomy of an Interview :: Interviewing Job Workforce Essays According to Professor G.J. of Texas Tech University, "a productive interview is much like a good conversation, questions are asked to elicit more than a yes or no answer" ("Interviewing"). In an interview there are certain criteria to be addressed. This criteria includes, the purpose, the collection of data or evidence, and the concluding thoughts on the subject. The "Interview with the Luddite," between Kevin Kelly and Kirkpatrick Sale demonstrate the basic principles of interviewing. Kevin Kelly is the author of Out of Control: The Rise of Neo-biological Civilization (1994). Kirkpatrick Sale is the author of Rebels Against the Future: The Luddites and Their War on the Industrial Revolution-Lessons for the Computer Age (1995). Their discussion or disagreement on the subject of technology expresses the issues raised on both sides of the topic. Both men divulge their opinions as well as what they view as evidence to support their claims. Analysis of the interview involves the concepts of tone and fallacy. The definition of tone is: "a particular vocal quality that indicates some emotion or feeling, an accent, inflection, or intonation" (Webster's 1984). A fallacy, according to Webster's Dictionary, is: "A statement or argument based on a false or invalid inference." These two subtle parts influence the entire interview. The interaction and inverse relationship between tone and fallacy can sway the direction of an interview. Kelly creates the initial tone of the interview. By asking the first question, he sets the environment for Sale to respond. In the interview between Kelly and Sale, Kelly opens the discussion with the fallacy of loaded language. He asks Sale, "Other than arson and a lot of vandalism, what did the Luddites accomplish in the long run?" (243). The words "arson" and "vandalism" force Sale to be on defense right from the beginning. Sale realizes this and answers Kelly with the fallacy, Post Hoc; inferring that since one event occurs after another, it must be the cause of the second event. He argues that because "technosphere" interferes with the "biosphere" that it must be "destroying the biosphere" (244). These two examples demonstrate how tone of the interview is set. After both men raise their side's flag, they automatically assume that the rest of the interview will be an offense/defense interchange. The purpose of this interview is to raise the issue of technology and address it from both sides of the topic. In simplified terms, Kelly is for technology, while Sale is against technology.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Commentary on the Geranium by Theodore Roethke Essay

The poem â€Å"The Geranium† by Theodore Roethke tells the story of a bachelor, formerly a party animal, now a lonely, aging man, through a sustained metaphor which uses the speaker’s geranium as a symbol for the disregard of his own health. The plant is never well, nor is he, due to the speaker being as inconsiderate to the geranium as he is to himself. With imagery, alliteration, and symbolism, much is learned about the speaker through a simple geranium to which he is intrinsically intertwined. We can see right from the beginning with lines such as â€Å"limp and bedraggled . . . / . . . like a sick poodle / Or a wizened aster in late September,† (2-4) that our speaker does not think very highly of himself nor his geranium. The descriptors give a pathetic, aging feel; the comparison to a â€Å"wizened aster† is particularly potent. It suggest that like the flower, the speaker is no longer â€Å"in bloom†, so-to-speak. That his colour has faded, and he is past his prime. The themes of aging and entering a new life stage come up again in line 6: â€Å"For a new routine –†. The caesura brings the reader to a halt; its sudden and final nature is reminiscent of an ending. The words in the line itself indicate a new beginning, which creates an interesting effect. This line could be representative of the end of the speaker’s youth and bachelorhood, as well as the beginning of a new point in his life. The act of taking the geranium out to the trash could also be symbolic of changing life stages; placing it by the trash could be representative of the end of one cycle, and bringing it back could represent starting anew. In following with the idea of starting anew, our speaker shows plans of lifestyle change; he plans to change for the better and agrees that â€Å"Sustenance seemed sensible† (8) The alliteration here evokes a childlike, somewhat self-deprecating feel, as though the speaker is chiding himself for not remembering something that seemed so simple. The fact that the speaker managed to forget this in the first place could also indicate that he has let his health go in the past, which is further evidenced near the end of the stanza, where the speaker talks about living â€Å". . . on gin, bobbie pins, half-smoked cigars, dead beer† (10) as well as the consequences of such irresponsible actions; he talks of being â€Å"shriveled† and â€Å"dried out†. It’s clear both the speaker and his plant have suffered from such a way of living. It also seems to reveal the careless and somewhat incompetent nature of the speaker. After all, if you can’t even take care of a plant, how can you take care of yourself? In the next stanza we get another glance into our speaker’s former life. He talks of â€Å" . . .dumb dames shrieking half the night† (16) as well as more mention of alcohol. The pieces of the speaker’s past we have received thus far can be put together to form the image of a reckless bachelor who gives no thought of tomorrow. With the current events of the poem, we can see how this lifestyle doesn’t do much for our speaker now that tomorrow is here. In this stanza we also get to hear the narrator describe himself directly for the first time, but he still ties himself to the plant, showcasing how heavily interconnected he and the geranium are. The speaker says that they are both â€Å"seedy†, which is a rather interesting play on words due to the fact that it means sordid or shabby, or could be used in the context of plant seeds. The term acknowledges both the similarities and differences between the speaker and the geranium. In the third stanza and final two lines, the speaker’s maid tosses the geranium in the trash which angers him so much he fires her. The actions of the maid would obviously hurt our speaker, seeing as the miserable, wilted geranium was his only friend. There is also the possibility that it was the cause of the actions of the maid that really wounded the narrator; that is was the fact that the maid saw something so analogous to himself as useless trash that drove him into enough of a rage to sack his maid. Thus the poem ends with the speaker no better off than he was in the beginning; perhaps even worse, now that the maid has brought to light how worthless the speaker’s life really is. Even though plants and people are seen as self-sufficient organisms, â€Å"The Geranium† highlights that in order to truly blossom, care, compassion and companionship from another are required. Theodore Roethke’s use of dreary, aged language and bland settings create a desolate atmosphere which provides the framework for the tale of a man who seems to have disregarded this until it was too late.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Ghosts Are Real

James Banner Mr. Perrington English 101 9/21/12 Ghosts Are Real! Often when people talk about ghosts or spirit’s they say â€Å"if I’ve never seen a ghost, they’re not real† but I’m here to tell you my experiences or â€Å"encounters† with ghosts. Over my 19 year life span I’ve had a few encounters with ghosts, that will make you reconsider your position on ghosts not being real. Its kind of hard to explain what you see, they’re not like a big sheet that’s portrayed in movies or very detailed people that you see.What I can tell you is my experiences with the ghosts and you can decide if you want to believe me or not. The first time I encountered a ghost was when I was around 9 years old making my little brother (that was 3 at the time) a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It was late at night, I can’t remember the exact time but I know it wasn’t over 12 am. We were in the kitchen, the lights were on in the ki tchen but in the dining and living room the lights were off. Suddenly my brother dashes into the dining room and I’m left in the kitchen wondering why.Next I go to see what’s wrong with him, so I walk into the dining room to see why he’s huddled over, and then I see it. Around 5’5 I see a white lady with dark brown hair just standing there looking at me, not only could I distinguish that she was a lady, she also was naked! I’m just shocked, so I stand there for around 5 seconds, (felt like 5 hours to me) then I dash into the living room, grab my little brother and ran upstairs. I’m shivering, scared to death and I just look at my little brother and he’s just standing there like nothing happened.I tell my older brother who was up at the time what happened and he just brushes me off like I made it up. I eventually tell my sister the next day and she tells me that she’s seen her before but only in her dreams, and that frightened m e even more. The second time I encountered a ghost was around when I was 17 years old, it was during winter break and I was home alone. This time It was in the day time around 3 o’clock because I was watching Even Stevens. Remind you that its snowing a bit outside, enough were you can see the footprints where people were walking.I come downstairs, I have my headphones in so its impossible for me to hear anything and I’m fixing me a bowl of cookies and cream ice cream. I look up and see my dog barking and going wild, so I took off my headphones and I hear the alarms going off. I see that both of my front doors were wide open. I know that for sure when I came down stairs that both of the doors were locked and there was no snow prints coming in our out of the house. I’m there just standing disbelief trying to figure out what happened, until the cops called and asked what was going on.I had to give them the code for the alarm so that everything was okay but Iâ€℠¢m still there just wondering how did both of my front doors become wide open, that had double locks on both of them. I looked throughout the house, there was nobody there and I came to the conclusion that it could only be one thing and that thing had to be a ghost. The third time I encountered a ghost was last year when I watching Walking Dead my favorite television show, it was at night time around 10:20. I’m watching Walking Dead, but then it goes on to a commercial break, so I go downstairs to make me a hot pocket.I reach downstairs and all of a sudden I have to use the bathroom, so while I’m in the bathroom all of a sudden I start to hear a loud smacking sound. The thing I actually hear is the sound of the cabinet doors being closed very hard. This goes on for about 10 seconds, so I rush out of the bathroom to check out who was doing this. Remind you that it’s a school night and everyone is asleep. When I come out of the bathroom I see 4 cabinet doors wide open, I’m already paranoid easily because of past encounters so right now I’m in terror.The end signal of my hot pocket being finished in the microwave scared me half to death. I eventually get myself together and start to look around to see if anyone was downstairs. I don’t see anyone downstairs, so I grab my hot pocket and head upstairs to hopefully see if someone was awake and was playing around with me, knowing that anything these days at night being alone by myself will scare me. Sadly its to no avail, nobody is awake and I’m stuck there thinking why does the ghost/spirit keep picking on me. Have I disturbed it in someway some how?My fourth and final encounter with a ghost was this year when I was home alone doing some laundry in the day time. It takes around an hour, hour and a half to finish a load of the laundry from washer to dryer, so when I put in the clothes I went upstairs for a good 20 minutes. I remember this like it was yesterday because i t happened the most recently and spooked me a lot. I remember clearly putting in the clothes, putting in the detergent turning it on and then finishing by putting in these small tide scent balls. When I come back downstairs, in my confusion I hear the washer not washing.Next, I go downstairs, and to my disbelief I see the washer stopped, not only was it stopped but there were clothes hanging out of the washer with the lid standing up. I run upstairs to get my bat and check around the house†¦ And of course there was no one there, it seems all to familiar that these things keep happening to me for no reason. The crazy part about that is my mom told me this happened to her a few times around 15 years ago but my dad did this ritual type of thing and I guess he got the demons out of the house.Both of my parents then tell me there was a man who died in this house. The former owner until he passed his son the house died in this house when he was 93. Its okay if you still don’t believe in ghosts or spirits, I understand, believing in things like these can have you worrying more than you do now. I’m not trying to force you to believe that ghosts are real, I’m just trying to inform you on my experiences and encounters with these ghosts/spirits. It seems to me like its not trying to harm me or my family, just letting us know that its there.Its your choice, you can believe me if you want but I just wanted to share my stories. http://ehis. ebscohost. com/ehost/detail? sid=b8aac38f-066c-4df2-96bd-950e48b948f9%40sessionmgr114&vid=3&hid=115&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=a9h&AN=70093461 http://find. galegroup. com/gtx/retrieve. do? sgHitCountType=None&qrySerId=Locale%28en%2C%2C%29%3AFQE%3D%28KE%2CNone%2C18%29ghosts+and+spirits%24&sort=DateDescend&inPS=true&prodId=AONE&userGroupName=monroecc&tabID=T002&searchId=R2&resultListType=RESULT

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Helen of Troy allusion from Romeo and Juliet Essay

Allusion location: Act 2, Scene 4, line 107 Quote: â€Å"Helen and Hero were sluts and harlots.† Plot context: Romeo has just arranged for Juliet and his marriage and is walking home when Mercutio spots him. Mercutio makes jokes about how his girl is so beautiful that she makes the most beautiful women in history look ugly. Mercutio also mentions that Romeo gave them the slip the previous night. Romeo replies and asked what they meant and Mercutio starts making sexual jokes about what Romeo was doing the previous night. Romeo responds to Mercutios jokes humorously and continues to joke with Mercutio. Research: Helen of Troy is sometimes referred to the face that launched a thousand ships. Helen of Troy was said to be the daughter of Zeus and was kidnapped by Theseus, king of Athens, and Pirithous, king of Larissa because they wanted to make love with the daughter of Zeus before they died. When Helen was older she had thousands of suitors. To pick the suitor Helens father made the suitors all sweat to protect Helen and whoever her husband should be and then created a competition which Menelaus won. When Menelaus took Helen back to Pleistheines and they lived happily for about a year before Paris, the prince of Troy, came to Pleistheines and fell in love with Helen. When Menelaus left to go to a funeral in Crete, Paris and Helen fled for Troy with some of Menelaus’s wealth. When Pleistheines returned and found out what had happened he called for all of Helens old suitors to keep their promise and help him bring back Helen. Analysis: The reference to Helen of Troy has often been used to compare a beautiful woman to Helen of Troy to say that they are beautiful. The allusion to Helen of Troy is foreshadowing because Romeo and Paris both fight over Juliet just like Menelaus fought Paris over Helen.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Concentration Camps

Concentration camps were constructed for mass killings. Digging deeper into the methods of murder they used, there's more to it than gas chambers, starvation, and overwork. The medical experiments were a major factor in the massive death toll in the concentration camps. Today doctors strive to keep people healthy and alive. For Nazi doctors Joseph Mengele, Karl Clauberg, and Sigmund Rascherat, the ones responsible for countless deaths, that was not their number one priority. Nazi doctors in the concentration camps conducted inhumane experiments such as examining twins, sterilization of men and women, and the freezing of people. When prisoners arrived at the camps, they probably expected the worst. For the twins however, life in the camps wasn't as bad as it could've been. Twins were allowed to keep their hair and sometimes their clothes (, 4). Being a twin gave them a better chance of surviving (Lifton, 351). Even though the experiments were cruel and barbarous, they offered an escape from the harsh camp (Lifton, 354). Twins lived in special buildings, such as the medical blocks. Unlike normal prisoners, twins were able to move freely throughout camp. Within the blocks, the father of a set of twins would be assigned block chief (Lifton, 348). Young female twins were lucky in a way since their mother was allowed to stay with them. The reasoning behind this is, Joseph Mengele, the mad man behind these experiments, wanted them in stable mental and physical condition (Lifton, 349). No matter how healthy they were, nothing could prepare the twins for what was to come. The Nazi's thought that twins were the key to discovering a way to quickly increase the German race. Doctors hoped to uncover the secret to multiple births (, 3). In order to conduct experiments, Mengele needed twins. He exploited easy access to twins at Auschwitz and was a fanatical figure in the selection (Lifton, 348). In 1944, 250 individual twins arrived in Birkenau (Lifton, 349). The selection process began with Mengele shouting, â€Å"Zwillinge heraus!†, which means twins in German. Once rounded up, they were each given a number sequence on their arm (Lifton, 348). Identical twins were the ones Mengele wished for the most, as they were his most treasured research objects (Lifton, 349). Although the experiments sound like Nazi's tourtering prisoners without any medical knowledge, there was a method to the madness. Mengele's method was based off of scientific training, Nazi ideology, and the peculiarities at Auschwitz's setting (Lifton, 347). When twins were examined, they were examined together and naked (Lifton, 349-350). Measurements of every part of their body were taken (Remember,org, 4). Each session, ten cubic centimeters of blood were drawn and during the first examinations the family history of the twins was taken (Lifton, 350). Today we can look at an actual experiment performed on a set of identical Hungarian twins. Selection began in 1943 when three sets of twins arrived at Auschwitz. Dr. Mengele saw the Hungarian set and took them (, 4). They were 18 year old men and described as very handsome and athletic. Examination began right away with their heads, which took several days. Next photographs were taken to show hair growth. The most dangerous thing done to them while they were alive was being ventilated with gas. They coughed so severely, restraints were needed to hold them down. After the gas, they were placed into hot water up until the point of passing out and then all their hair was removed; more photographs were taken. The Hungarian twins were killed the same way as every other set that made it to the end of the experiments. A syringe of chloroform was injected into their hearts. Mengele was very careful to make sure the twins died at the exact same time. Once no longer alive, they were dissected and their organs were sent to the Institute of Biological Racial and Evolutionary Research Berlin (Remember. Org, 4). Dissection of the corpses was the last part of Mengele's twin research (Lifton, 350). These experiments were drastic. Of the 1,000 pairs experimented on, only 200 pairs survived (, 3). Sadly, this was not the end of cruel Nazi medical experiments; sterilization of prisoners was also very important to the Germans. Sterilization: surgery to make a person unable to produce offspring. The main goal of sterilization was to discover a rapid, inexpensive, and unobtrusive method to wipe out Russians, Poles, Jews, and other races (Berenbaum, 347). Nazis hoped to sterilize millions with minimum time and effort (, 5). Even though a method already existed, surgical sterilization, doctors thought it was too slow and expensive. These experiments occurred in camps such as Auschwitz and Ravensbruck (Berenbaum, 247). There were mainly two doctors known for sterilization, Gebhardt and Clauberg. Gebhardt worked at Ravensbruck by the surgical method. The method Clauberg used was by an injection. Dr. Karl Clauberg conducted it on a large scale (Berenbaum, 348). He was the main man for sterilization (Lifton, 271). Although the doctors knew how they wanted to sterilize, a formula had to be developed. Since Dr. Clauberg was the head of these experiments, he developed his own formula, but he was very secretive about the substances he used. Researchers today assume he used formalin and novocain (Lifton, 271-272). Formalin is a clear watery solution of methanol used as a preservative. Novocain, also known as procaine, is a local anesthetic drug used as a sodium channel blocker. This impairs the conduction of sodium ions. This injection was done in three stages over a few months. Unfortunately, Clauberg used over 300 women over the course of his work (Lifton, 272). Not just women had to face the horrors of Dr. Clauberg, thousands of male Jews and Gypsies were sterilized at Auschwitz by injection. Later on, doctors discovered a brand new method, x rays. This way was effective, but castration would result. There were also dangers to other parts of the body if not covered by lead (Berenbaum, 348). Even though the Nazi doctor's main goal was to sterilize, other issues occured. Thousands who were sterilized suffered excruciating mental and physical pain (, 5). Fever also overtook many victims. Some prisoners were very resistant but many feared what would happen if they were. Prisoners who resisted were sent to the gas chamber at Birkenau (Lifton, 272). Knowing each day what would be done to them by Clauberg caused them to be overcome with fear and anxiety (Lifton, 273). Of course sterilization was extremely painful and killed many people, but the freezing experiments were the most painful experiments the Nazi's conducted. A problem Germany had during World War II was when their pilots in planes had to eject into the ocean, they would die from hypothermia. Nazi's number one goal was to discover a way to treat frozen German pilots (, 2). These experiments were designed to simulate conditions on the eastern front and were conducted for the Nazi high command. Some camps had the perfect weather conditions; Birkenau, Dachau, and Auschwitz (, 2). Two methods used were an icy vat of water and using the sub-zero temperatures outside. Each experiment was divided into two parts. The first part, Sigmund established how long it took for body temperature to lower to death. During the second part he tried to find the best way to revive the frozen person. Through tests, Sigmund figured the icy vat method was the quickest way to drop body temperature (, 2). Before the prisoners were placed in the icy vat, they were either given an aviator suit or wore nothing at all. They were each in the vat for up to five hours at a time. Once their body temperature fell to 79.7 degrees fahrenheit, Sigmund would throw hot sleeping bags or use scalding baths to rewarm them ( The second method was conducted outdoors. Dr. Sigmund strapped prisoners to a stretcher and placed them outside. Auschwitz was one of the most ideal places for experiments outside because of the extreme winters. Eventually after suffering in the cold for hours, most victims lost consciousness and died once their body temperature dropped (, 2). Throughout the whole experiment, Dr. Sigmund was constantly measuring the changes in heart rate, body temperature, and muscles flexes (, 2). Although not many survived, there is a documented experiment done on two men. These men were both from Russia and once at the camp they were both sent to the icy vat. A long time after being submerged in the vat, neither of the men were losing consciousness. Realizing not much was happening, Dr. Sigmund lowered the temperature. Shortly after this, both of them passed away. Everyone apart of this experiment were shocked at how long they lasted (, 2). All in all, 80 to 100 people died due to these freezing experiments conducted in icy vats or in sub-zero temperatures ( doctors were ruthless and would've done anything for the name of science. No matter how many people they killed, they were determined to get rid of the Jews, Gypsies, and other races. Even examining masses of twins, attempting to sterilize millions of men and women, and pushing the human body to as cold as it could go. These medical experiments caused hundreds of deaths and gives the title doctor a dark background.